Partnership with RestoringVision

Our Proud Partnership with RestoringVision

Vision is one of our most important senses. It greatly boosts our ability to interact with our environment and other people. 2.5 billion people worldwide suffer from uncorrected vision impairment. 544 million people only need reading glasses, but live in developing countries with limited or no access to them. We are proudly partnered with RestoringVision to help solve this problem by donating glasses to those in need, every time you make use of your GVS benefits.

By providing a pair of reading glasses you can quickly and positively impact a person’s life, the wellbeing of their family and community, and the global economy at large.



Reading glasses immediately correct close-range vision problems, enabling a person to see clearly again. Sunglasses protect eyes from the hazards of UV rays, dust, and smoke.


Studies have shown that vision correction leads to a 35% increase in productivity and a 20% increase in wages. For someone earning $2 per day, that is an additional $140 of income per year. With a pair of reading glasses people can carry out their daily tasks, work, and lead productive lives with more efficiency.


When people are able to see clearly, they are also able to read and learn better. Children whose vision is corrected can advance up to half a year in school. Adults can successfully participate in continued education and workforce training.


The ability to see clearly impacts all areas of a person’s life, including self-esteem. Glasses enable them to be fully productive members of his or her family and community again. This increases the overall quality of a person’s life.


Seeing clearly is essential to maintaining one’s safety. With clear close-range vision a person can perform his or her daily tasks — including caring for one’s children, cooking, and working, — in a safe and effective way.


The lack of access to glasses results in an annual loss of $202 billion to the global economy. By providing glasses, you create opportunities for work and economic growth; thus, improving the global economy.

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